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Our Services

We provide our public services through holding our annual mobile competitions, mobile studies summer school, mobile studies congress and mobile storytelling symposium.  

Mobile Studies Congress

Mobile Studies Congress is held on 13-15 every year with the themes of "Go Mobile, Stay Healthy" (2020), "Go Mobile, Stay Sustainable" (2021), "Go Mobile, Stay Innovative" (2022), "Go Mobile, Stay Creative" (2023), "Go Mobile, Stay Green" (2024) and "Go Mobile, Stay Smart" (2025).  


Mobile Storytelling Symposium

Mobile Storytelling Symposium is held on 13-15 November every year as part of Mobile Studies Congress. It covers annual regular themes of village storytelling, city storytelling, nation storytelling, corporate storytelling, individual storytelling, institutional storytelling, health storytelling, tourism storytelling, news storytelling, education storytelling, etc.  


Mobile Studies Summer School

As the most popular and powerful medium in the world, mobile devices have been reshaping not only what we do but also who we are. It is now embedded in a range of activities, including mobile government and parenting. The annual Mobile Studies Summer School (MSSS) equips participants with the knowledge and skills related to mobile media, mobilities and communication studies.


Mobile Studies Competitions

Mobile Studies International organizes annually Mobile Studies Top Paper Competition, Mobile Filmmaking Competition, Mobile Documentary Competition, Mobile Photography Competition, City Mobile Storytelling Competition, Village Mobile Storytelling Competition, and Nation Mobile Storytelling Competition. 

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