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Institute for Mobile Studies

The Institute for Mobile Studies (IMS) aims to promote and conduct studies of mobile media, mobilities and communication as an emerging field of scientific research. In collaboration with the mobile industries in China and beyond, IMS integrates its efforts in research, education and consultancy, covering the following areas of mobile studies: mobile government, mobile healthcare, mobile health communication, mobile journalism, mobile learning, mobile advertising, mobile marketing, mobile storytelling, mobile photography, mobile filmmaking, mobile documentary, mobile business, mobile commerce, mobile experience, and mobile economy.

IMS has proposed mobile experience as a key concept for interdisciplinary investigation in different areas of mobile studies within the framework of experience economy. Besides its annual Mobile Studies Summer School, IMS also organizes its annual Mobile Studies Congress, International Mobile Storytelling Conference, and Mobile Studies Summer School. Furthermore, IMS also hosts its Academia-Industry Summit Series (AISS), Research Talk Series (RTS), and Mobile Studies Workshops (MSW) on a regular basis.

The current key projects at IMS include (1) mapping, measuring, and modelling the mobile industries in UK, China, Malaysia, and beyond, (2) enhancing mobile experience in different areas of human activities, (3) investigating the role and impact of mobile devices on the digital economy in One Belt and One Road Initiative countries, (4) mobile healthcare among third agers in China and beyond, (5) the role and impact of mobile for sustainable development in underdeveloped and developing countries.

IMS welcomes professors and professionals of mobile media, mobilities and communication from around the world to join us as research fellows or vising scholars to co-conduct research projects on any topic related to mobile media, mobilities and mobile communication. Benefits for our research fellows include, not limited to, research visits to our institute, joint or solo research projects funded and/or hosted by IMS, and discount registration fees for attending our annual events. We will also offer our research fellows chances to co-organize Academia-Industry Summit Series (AISS), Research Talk Series (RTS), and Mobile Studies Workshops (MSW) on a regular basis.

To contribute to the global efforts to groom scholars of mobile studies, IMS is also recruiting more PhD students.

For more information, please write to

Every year, IMS at UNNC has its forums, workshops, conferences, symposiums, competitions under the umbrella of MSI annual events of Mobile Studies Summer School, Mobile Studies Congress, Mobile Storytelling Symposium.  Scholars from the three campuses of University of Nottingham and beyond are also invited to contribute to Mobile Studies Series, Mobile Studies Journal, and Mobile Studies Workshops. For more information, please contact us

Dr. Xiaoge Xu

Founding Director of Institute for Mobile Studies

Dr. Amira Halperin

Deputy Director of Institute for Mobile Studies

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